Life with Sports . Sports with eSupport   

Pathway Expert has officially launched the Pathway Expert Online System (PEOS) in 2016, one of the main services is to provide a FREE online platform for umpiring registration for all kinds of sports.

Below is the procedural flow:

  1. Tournament organiser publishes the match officials requirement for the tournament;
  2. Referees submit their quotation to the tournament organiser;
  3. Tournament organiser compares all the bids and awards their selected Referee;
  4. Referee publishes details for the umpiring sessions;
  5. Umpires register their umpiring sessions;
  6. Referee confirms the final group of umpires for the match officials team.

All the tournament organisers, referees and umpires will be FREE to use the PEOS Umpiring sub-system. The main objective is to help the sport associations to manage and rank their umpires and maintain up-to-date umpiring knowledge via our PEOS Assessment sub-system.

Pathway Expert